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Departmental News       

1. This Department has conducted one National Conference on Advanced Computing and Technologies during 20-22nd September 2006.

2. This Department has conducted one international Seminar on “LATEX-A Document Preparation System” on 6th December 2006.

3. The Department Conducted 15 days “AICTE Sponsored Development program me “Distributed system using Web Technology” from 18.06.2009 to 02.07.2009.

4. The Department Organized AICTE Sponsored National Seminar on “Emerging Trends in Computer Applications” on 22.09.2009.

5. Ms S.Sugapriya(2006-09) Batch Secured 15th Rank& Ms.Lalitha Secured 43rd rank in the Anna University Examinations among 6127 Candidates

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